strip_id is 70 | size is 72 Nice Guy But
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A Turn for the Aldente

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June 27, 2010 - Hi everyone! Yes I know I've been gone for a long time, and unfortunately (or fortunately) I'm not going to ply you with promises of the continuing shenanigans of Nice Guy and Dingo. It may happen; it may not. Too soon to tell. But I did want to send out a great big thanks for putting Nice Guy But over the 1,000,000 page view mark! I never expected my little creative self-medication project would reach so many people. Thanks!

NOTE: Yes I have noticed that there are some strange PHP shenanigans going on. I'm trying to fix it.


NICE GUY BUT: Someone who, albeit a good person, is not considered sexually attractive or available.
See Also: Nice Guy Syndrome
updates just about never (but stranger things have happened)